How It Works

  • When we review your items, The Great Room representative will select items our customers will buy and determine a fair price for the consigned item(s). Items are reviewed and accepted on approval Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. The Great Room reserves the right to refuse any item(s).

  • The Great Room will attempt to sell a consignment at the initial price for thirty days. After this time, the sale price will be reduced. Consignments that are not sold after 90 days are considered expired and subject for immediate pick up by the consignor or by the direction given at time of consignment. After 5 business days if the consignor has not picked up their expired items, items will become property of The Great Room Lex, LLC. The consignor is solely responsible for monitoring their consignments and tracking their expiration date, as well as the pick-up of unsold items within 5 business days of expiration date.

  • The Great Room Payment distribution: After an item sells, your check is available for pick up at our 183 Moore Drive location. The consignor’s check will not be released to anyone other than the consignor without written authorization. Only checks for consignors who reside outside of Lexington and the surrounding area can receive their checks by mail. Consignment checks will be forfeited after 90 days of issue.